moDllz copied to clipboard
MIDI 8cv MPE 0.6.6 crashing VCV Rack 0.6.2c on Win10
Solely open MIDI 8cv MPE 0.6.6 in a blank VCV Rack 0.6.2c on Windows 10, then Rack crashes within 3 seconds.
Hi there... could you send me a crash report? may be helpful to pinpoint any issue. Anyway, I'm about to release a new version with some enhancements and polyphonic cables: MIDI poly MPE. but this one is for Rack V1... I suggest you to switch to v1, because practically all developers are working on v1 already. Thanks
Hi, here is the log file for your examination: log.txt
Thanks for your suggestion about switching to v1! But I still have a paid plugin stuck at v0.6, just wish the developer would release v1 update soon.
Hi sorry for the late response. I was busy with another project, and also finishing up the new module. I hope your paid plugin is upgraded soon ... everything seems to be more stable on V1. I don't see anything in your log... (is that a Windows crash-log?...there's no mention of any just stops while loading svg graphics.... (maybe one svg file got corrupted?) Try downloading the 0.6.6 zip and replace res folder inside Rack/Plugins/moDllz/
Thanks, I've tried the res folder in, still no luck!
To facilitate your investigation, I attach all formats of Windows log that are relevant to this crash problem:
Last time I sent you the VCV Rack log but apparently you could not get useful hint out of it.
It also crashes Rack 1.1.6 on Win 10:
This is that part of the log:
[10.501 info src/window.cpp:72] Loaded SVG C:\Users\me\DOCUME~1/Rack/plugins-v1/moDllz/res/DispBttnL.svg
[10.501 info src/window.cpp:72] Loaded SVG C:\Users\me\DOCUME~1/Rack/plugins-v1/moDllz/res/DispBttnR.svg
[12.419 fatal src/main.cpp:45] Fatal signal 22. Stack trace:
28: ZN4rack10appDestroyEv 0x456435
27: raise 0xa488ac70
26: abort 0xa488f270
25: ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv 0x6fc5f170
24: ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE 0x6fc581b0
23: ZSt9terminatev 0x6fd302b0
22: _cxa_throw 0x6fd39080
21: ZN7MidiApi5errorEN11RtMidiError4TypeENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE 0x733d52
20: ZN11MidiInWinMM8openPortEjRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE 0x7366e2
19: ZN4rack12RtMidiDriver14subscribeInputEiPNS_4midi5InputE 0x74b050
18: ZN4rack4midi5Input11setDeviceIdEi 0x48080c
17: ZN11MIDIdisplay4drawERKN4rack6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE 0xc8b2d3a
16: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
15: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
14: ZN4rack3app12ModuleWidget4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE 0x492bba
13: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
12: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
11: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
10: ZN4rack6widget10ZoomWidget4drawERKNS0_6Widget8DrawArgsE 0x4a83e2
9: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
8: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
7: ZN4rack2ui12ScrollWidget4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE 0x4a3fd4
6: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
5: ZN4rack6Window3runEv 0x4594ea
4: main 0x781840
3: main 0x781840
2: main 0x781840
1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0xa41c7960
0: RtlUserThreadStart 0xa515a250
I am also experiencing a crash - plugin and Rack are current version. Running Windows 10
Cause for my crash may not be same as previous posters, but I do know the cause for me - it is when MIDI Poly+MPE attempts to initialise with or switch to Virtual MIDI Ports set up by Bome MIDI Translator Pro (
Crash does not occur when using Virtual MIDI Ports set up by LoopMIDI (