QRCodeReaderView copied to clipboard
com.google.zxing.FormatException and com.google.zxing.ChecksumException
Great library is just what I need to give my project extra value, thanks, but Im have this problem.
Im getting this exceptions com.google.zxing.FormatException and com.google.zxing.ChecksumException
First I thought I was doing something wrong, so I try using XZING QrReader and worked instantly, so I create another Qr using an online QR generator, same problem and XZING read it just like before.
Any Idea?
It seems I was doing something wrong with the Qr now is working, how ever I keep getting the same exceptions.
Just letting you know, great library, thanks :)
I'm having the same issue (FormatException and ChecksumException).
How did you define the layout that has QRCodeReaderView?
I didn't use a full screen layout for QRCodeReaderView as below.
Probably this scaling makes some problem I guess? @cutiko How about you?
I have the same problem. Tried to create a smaller QRCodeReaderView but the problem continues.
It works for the first QR Code scan but for the next one throws
D/com.dlazaro66.qrcodereaderview.QRCodeReaderView: ChecksumException W/System.err: com.google.zxing.ChecksumException
I would like to change the autoFocus mode and test if it could work better, but the library is not configurable.
Please try the new 2.0.1 version, and tell me if is still not working.
dlazaro, I am still facing the same issue even in 2.0.1 version. Do i need to set any other property/parameter to make it working ?
@kalpesh-lakhani It should work fine. Which kind of QR are you trying to decode?
I'm having the same problem... the ZXING own app can scan every qrcode I throw at (my own generated using the ZXING library). The data is just plain text with errorcorrection level H.
Edit: Oh man... 20seconds after I posted this, I found the problem. I forgot to bind my overridden onQRCodeRead to setOnQRCodeReadListener()... Sorry. It works fine, now! Thanks for this library.
its not working in nougat. its working fine in lower api. i tested on api 19, 21, and 23 and its working good on all devices.. but not in Android Version 7.0, what should i do for nougat. plz help me.
its say QR CODE not found, com.google.zxing.FormatException and com.google.zxing.ChecksumException