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rdmd runs dmd twice for single-files with no dependencies

Open dlang-bugzilla-migration opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

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User @wilzbach reported (2016-Aug-25 20:50:41):

$ python -m timeit -v -n 10 -s 'import os' 'os.system("dub run --single --force foo.d")'
10 loops, best of 3: 578 msec per loop
$ python -m timeit -v -n 10 -s 'import os' 'os.system("rdmd --force foo.d")'
10 loops, best of 3: 730 msec per loop

I used an example from the DLang Tour (see below or and tested with more and the overhead seems to stay there:

== Associative arrays ==

rdmd 5 loops, best of 3: 637 msec per loop
dub: 5 loops, best of 3: 584 msec per loop

== Loops ==

rdmd: 5 loops, best of 3: 488 msec per loop
dub: 5 loops, best of 3: 373 msec per loop
#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
/+ dub.sdl:
name "foo"

import std.traits: isFloatingPoint;
import std.uni: toUpper;
import std.string: format;
import std.stdio: writeln;

/// A Vector that just works for
/// numbers, integers or floating points.
struct Vector3(T)
  if (is(T: real))
    T x,y,z;

    /// Generator for getter and setter because
    /// we really hate boiler plate!
    /// var -> T getVAR() and void setVAR(T)
    mixin template GetterSetter(string var) {
        // Use mixin to construct function
        // names
        mixin("T get%s() const { return %s; }"
          .format(var.toUpper, var));

        mixin("void set%s(T v) { %s = v; }"
          .format(var.toUpper, var));

    // Easily generate our getX, setX etc.
    // functions with a mixin template.
    mixin GetterSetter!"x";
    mixin GetterSetter!"y";
    mixin GetterSetter!"z";

    // We don't allow the dot function
    // for anything but floating points
    static if (isFloatingPoint!T) {
        T dot(Vector3!T rhs) {
            return x*rhs.x + y*rhs.y +

void main()
    auto vec = Vector3!double(3,3,3);
    // That doesn't work because of the template
    // constraint!
    // Vector3!string illegal;

    auto vec2 = Vector3!double(4,4,4);
    writeln("vec dot vec2 = ",;

    auto vecInt = Vector3!int(1,2,3);
    // doesn't have the function dot because
    // we statically enabled it only for float's

    // generated getter and setters!
    writeln(vecInt.getX, ",",
      vecInt.getY, ",", vecInt.getZ);

User @ag0aep6g responded (2016-Aug-25 21:26:33):

I don't think this is much of a surprise. rdmd detects dependencies. dub doesn't seem to do that.

User @wilzbach responded (2016-Aug-26 02:00:56):

I don't think this is much of a surprise. rdmd detects dependencies. dub doesn't seem to do that.

Well, it still seems unnecessary to me to run the full-blown CTFE compiler twice on a file. I gave it a quick try with two hacks:

User @ag0aep6g responded (2016-Aug-26 13:08:02):

(In reply to greensunny12 from comment 2)

Well, it still seems unnecessary to me to run the full-blown CTFE compiler twice on a file.

Sure. If you make rdmd faster, that's great. I just don't think that dub has anything to do with it.

User @AndrejMitrovic responded (2016-Aug-31 21:30:26):

Fixed right? Closing.

User @wilzbach responded (2017-Jul-20 20:07:38):

PR was reverted :/

User @marler8997 responded (2017-Dec-14 16:37:33):

Potential fix: "Use "-i" to prevent rdmd from having to invoke compiler twice."

Depends on this first: "Enable automatic compiling of imports"

User @marler8997 responded (2018-Jan-17 02:39:18):

User @marler8997 responded (2018-Jan-20 02:21:14): was reverted