The internal AREF is set to 0.6VDC and the external must between 1.0VDC and 2.7VDC. We already have support built in for external AREFs, it's more a question of which...
I must have missed the fact that you cannot specify to use the external reference... it’s rather odd because we support specifying which pin to use. I’m going to flag...
I didn't write the I2C library so I may be incorrect on this, but as far as I know there's no priority set and DMA is not used. I do...
This project is based off the code base for the Arduino Zero, which does not make use of DMA. A few people have cobbled together DMA support on the Zero...
You can certainly try at our own risk, I don’t know if there’s any difference between the two libraries.
@drmpf I have deleted your ZIP files as it's in poor taste to attach a ZIP file with potentially malicious content. If you wish to share a modification to this...
Maybe? I am not if anyone has tried using a Soft serial port yet. What type of debugging are you trying to do? Just console line prints?
@andriyadi What I use do to with Microchip PICs when I ran out of UARTs is run all of my debugging information out over an I2C to UART bridge. It...
Not at this time
Yup, It's busted.... Take a look at issue #169 and PR #205 for potential fixes