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Advanced-data-wrangling-in-R, Workshop

Advanced Data Wrangling Workshop in R

File an issue if you have problems, questions or suggestions.


The Advanced Data Wrangling Workshop aims to help students to learn powerful tools and techniques in R to wrangle data with less pain and more fun. The workshop will show how R can make your data wrangling process easier, faster, and more readable. The workshop focuses on introducing new developments in the tidyverse, particularly dplyr 1.0.0, and it has something new and exciting even for experienced R users.

Learning objectives


We assume students have familiarity with the tidyverse packages.


We strongly recommend to launch Binder. Please do so before attending the worskshop as it takes a while (especially, if you do it for the first time).

Or you can setup manually:

  • Check your dplyr package is up-to-date by typing packageVersion("dplyr").
  • If the current installed version is less than 1.0.0, then update it by typing update.packages("dplyr"). You may need to restart R to make it work.

ifelse(packageVersion("dplyr") > 1, 
  print("The installed version of dplyr package is greater than or equal to 1.0.0"), 

All packages for this workshop can be installed with the following code.

# p_load loads and, if necessary, install missing packages.
# install.packages() + library() = p_load()
# If you just want to install, then use p_install()
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
  tidyverse, # for the tidyverse framework

Original work by Jae Yeon Kim and remixed for the D-Lab by Alex Stephenson.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.