R-Fundamentals copied to clipboard
D-Lab's 4 part, 8 hour introduction to R Fundamentals. Learn how to create variables and functions, manipulate data frames, make visualizations, use control flow structures, and more, using R in RStud...
" # every time we would have written the continent, we now write 'cont'" should be removed - not used
"Summary Statistics Review In Part 3 we used summary(), table(), and mean() to learn some things about our data. For example: CLEAN UP" The "clean up" text should be removed
In Key points it say 'We used the functions select(), min(), mean(), head(), filter(), summary(), is.na(), table() and factor().' should say 'We used the functions select(), mean(), head(), filter(), summary(),...
- In the “Summary Statistics Review” section of Part 4, the first portion says “For example: CLEAN UP.” It looks like there was supposed to be additional text with examples...
Creating Vectors section: small typo, the “each” is missing an H - “…Mexico's population has increased by about 1 million eacH year…”
The word pilot needs to be removed from this file