R-Fundamentals copied to clipboard
D-Lab's 4 part, 8 hour introduction to R Fundamentals. Learn how to create variables and functions, manipulate data frames, make visualizations, use control flow structures, and more, using R in RStud...
There is a typo in the R Fun 2-1: seq() poll for option 3.
1. Poll 2-1 has a typo where the third option should say seq(from= ...) and not seq(from- ...) 2. Maybe the demo should not introduce tidyverse and we should use...
The R Proj file is still called pilot and needs to be renamed
Lines 196-197: Commented lines within function say that the continent argument is now named `cont`, while the function argument is still `continent_name` ``` # every time we would have written...
Line 107: Text reads `summary(gap_africa$lifeExp)` when it should read `summary(gap_europe$lifeExp)`
Lines 52-53 currently read as follows: ``` In Part 3 we used `summary()`, `table()`, and `mean()` to learn some things about our data. For example: CLEAN UP ``` Examples appear...
Lines 64-70: Possibly add that people can use the "Run" button in the top right of the notebook panel. The text could be revised to the following (additions in **bold**)....
gap_subset gets introduced during the select() function portion but then gets re-written in challenge 3. This is a bit awkward and perhaps a more informative name in challenge 3 would...
We ran into the issue of installing rtools during the workshop today. (Jose & Mingyu) Make a note in Part 3 (also possibly in the end of Part 2) that...
Have more extensive step by step in the README for the install so that if people fall behind they can refer to the step by step guide. - consider using...