Python-Data-Visualization copied to clipboard
D-Lab's 3 hour introduction to data visualization with Python. Learn how to create histograms, bar plots, box plots, scatter plots, compound figures, and more, using matplotlib and seaborn.
Fixes typos: - Closes #1 - Closes #2 - Closes #9 Adds requirements.txt: - Should close #8 Other issues may require additional cells with pip install upgrades that can be...
On binder, pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn are not installed, and so students needed to pip install them before running the first code cell. I'm not familiar with how binder backends...
In the cell right before Challenge 5, the line creating the legend is unnecessarily duplicated.
Lesson 1, seaborn code "sns.histplot(data=gm_latest, x='gdpPercap');" results in error for data hub (I think this is a seaborn version issue)
Either combine workshops into one 3h workshop and drop customization in pt 2 or Keep part 2 as-is and rename workshop Python Data Visualization Fundamentals / Python Data Visualization Intermediate,...
In "Repeated measures" section for bar plots, had errors adding "errorbar" parameters
there is a typo in the title which reads as kernal not kernel
fix typo under 'When to use each package' for pandas: "ideal for customization"