Bash-Git copied to clipboard
Workshop feedback 5/31/2023
@aculich presented this workshop from 10am-1pm. Here are some feedback I have on the presentation:
Presentation style
- the presentation pace was great
- general immediate answering participants questions were great
- some jargons but generally explained for people to be more comfortable
- a participant discussed that maybe connecting to other languages from other workshops would be helpful (i.e., Python)
- perhaps using languages like thinking about this like a "folder" system would be helpful; I also have heard of relative paths as "parent" and "child"
Presentation material
- gentle onboarding for why use git/ getting a git account
- the flow of the presentation could include more polls to bring people in on what's their stages
- the flow of the presentation could be restructured to have concrete examples (and participants can do without hand-holding in the future)
- perhaps breaking the workshop to more focused -- either individual or collaborative (@AnushaPB discussed this +1)
- personal token wasn't explicitly needed
- adding in how to use stack overflow is helpful (which aaron did on the spot)
- adding in how to look at history or how version control works explicitly in action would be helpful
- one example could be: creating the file -> put it on git -> writing over the same file accidentally -> how to retrieve it back!?