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RS92 is not decoded

Open Mauri740 opened this issue 1 year ago • 46 comments

Hi, sometime there are some Rs92 in the air but no correct decode data from the software. I updated my TTgo with V0.9.3 but the problem is the same. I think that the cause is the offline server (gssc.esa.int/gnss/data/daily/) that not allowing download of eph data. Can solve this issue? It would be nice for me to find an old Rs92. Thank you

Mauri740 avatar Jul 14 '23 15:07 Mauri740

Well, yes, ftp sources are gradually disappearing.

Currently there is no space for TLS in the firmware, but the current plan (next devel) is to enable http download, and have a http=>https running (soon in the next devel firmware)

But for now, the esa ftp server seems to be still available.

~$ ftp gssc.esa.int
Connected to gssc.esa.int.
220 Wing FTP Server ready...
Name (gssc.esa.int:hans): anonymous
331 Password required for anonymous
230 User anonymous logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> cd /gnss/data/daily/2023/195
250 CWD command successful. "/gnss/data/daily/2023/195" is current directory.
ftp> ls br*
200 Port command successful
150 Opening data channel for directory list.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 5510 gssc_adm          49222  Jul 14 18:03 brdc1950.23n.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 5510 gssc_adm          58631  Jul 14 18:03 brdc1950.23g.gz
226 Transfer successful.

And my test TTGO just now successfully downloaded eph data with the standard config. Maybe the server was temporarily unavailable, or you are behind a firewall that is blocking ftp connections?

dl9rdz avatar Jul 14 '23 18:07 dl9rdz

Thanks for your quick reply. I'll check if my firewall is blocking ftp system. Now I have inserted a free line with type RS92 in the QRG list and a second one with sure frequency for the Rs92 sonde. I checked the firmware information and it show: RS92 RINEX eph state: Good Could that be enough to receive a Rs92? I will wait patiently for the new version to fix this issue. Thank you for your work and your help. Greetings

Mauri740 avatar Jul 14 '23 22:07 Mauri740

Yes, if it says Good, then it successfully fetched eph data from the ftp server.

Note that fetching eph data is done only once, right after startup. This is good for mobile use, but now more and more people are using the TTGO in a fixed location running continuously. You have to reboot manually to fetch new eph data (accuracy degrades if it is older than approx. 6h)

dl9rdz avatar Jul 14 '23 22:07 dl9rdz

Thank you so much for support. The situation begins to be clearer. I hope to receive a Rs92 as soon as possible even if they are very rare. Below is a screen shot of the data as it was received a few days ago from one of the three sondes flown nearby. As you can see, the Qth is wrong like the altitude and ID. These are the three sonde IDs: L2233714 K3523162 K3424059 none of the three were received regularly, perhaps because the eph data was "too old" rs

Mauri740 avatar Jul 14 '23 23:07 Mauri740

Now it seems that the server, or something connected to it, is down. No Rinex eph data is downloaded. I have three stations with rdz and they all show "fetch error" or "disabled". Could it be the end of the ftp connections?

Mauri740 avatar Aug 17 '23 23:08 Mauri740

Hello hansi, we have the same problem, impossible to decode RS92 ---> RS92 RINEX eph status: Disabled

FTP server for ephemeris data (RS92 decoder) = gssc.esa.int/gnss/data/daily/

14ri004 avatar Aug 26 '23 17:08 14ri004

Yes, well, the server is still there, but a couple of days back it stopped providing the brdc...gz file. I have not found any good replacement ftp server. So I guess I should switch over to http oder https soon...

ftp> ls daily/2023/223/brdc*
200 Port command successful
150 Opening data channel for directory list.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 5510 gssc_adm          25479  Aug 11 08:37 brdc2230.23n.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 5510 gssc_adm          27647  Aug 11 08:38 brdc2230.23g.gz
226 Transfer successful.
ftp> ls daily/2023/224/brdc*
200 Port command successful
150 Opening data channel for directory list.
226 Transfer successful.

dl9rdz avatar Aug 26 '23 17:08 dl9rdz

neither of the 2 FTP addresses works, you tested with which FTP address ????

gssc.esa.int/gnss/data/daily igs.bkg.bund.de/IGS/BRDC/

14ri004 avatar Aug 26 '23 18:08 14ri004

Well, I can connect to the esa server, but as I said, the server does not provide the files. So it is not working.

dl9rdz avatar Aug 26 '23 18:08 dl9rdz

ok merci

14ri004 avatar Aug 26 '23 19:08 14ri004

Actually, brdc files are on the server, just in a different location than before. devel2023-08-28 fixes that. The config format changed, now it is the full path/format string to the file (should update automatically) gssc.esa.int/gnss/data/daily/%1$04d/brdc/brdc%2$03d0.%3$02dn.gz

dl9rdz avatar Aug 28 '23 11:08 dl9rdz

Hello Hansi, even after the update RS92 RINEX eph state: Disabled the FTP address is up to date as you indicate, but RINEX still out of order. I added 2 RS92 frequencies and rebooted the TTGO


14ri004 avatar Aug 28 '23 17:08 14ri004

Hi, if it says "Disabled" then the eph fetch is disabled because you don't have any active frequencies with RS92 configured. That is normal.

If you activate at least one RS92 (you need to reboot after activating, as the transfer is attempted only once right after reboot)), then you should see "Good" if all is good, or one out of "Time error", "Fetch error", "Read error" if something went wrong.

dl9rdz avatar Aug 28 '23 17:08 dl9rdz

Capture Capture2 Capture3

14ri004 avatar Aug 28 '23 17:08 14ri004

Did you reboot?

If yes this is strange. It works here on my test board...

dl9rdz avatar Aug 28 '23 17:08 dl9rdz

YES I rebooted 3 times, turned off / on again, always the same and this on 3 TTGO and 2 T-BEAM

14ri004 avatar Aug 28 '23 17:08 14ri004

I don't see any way how this can happen. But maybe you could send me the output from the serial console?

dl9rdz avatar Aug 28 '23 18:08 dl9rdz

will you have to tell me how to do it?

14ri004 avatar Aug 28 '23 18:08 14ri004

Board needs to be connected using USB. Then, depends on what do you usually use to program the board?

  • Arduino IDE: Press the Serial Monitor icon on right top.
  • PlatformIO command line: "pio device monitor" (run in the same folder as were the platfromio.ini file is)
  • PlatformIO/VSCode: Don't remember, don't have it installed right now, but there was some serial monitor button somewhere as well. Or, as an alternative, any serial console program (select the right serial port device, and baud 115200) should work as well.

dl9rdz avatar Aug 28 '23 18:08 dl9rdz

Hello Hansi, I updated two ttgo boards with devel2023-08-28 and now I have on both:

---Rs92 Rinex eph state: good. ---

thank's for your job! greetings 88

Mauri740 avatar Aug 28 '23 23:08 Mauri740

I have exactly the same version of ttgo, am I still disabled, I understand the story too much??


14ri004 avatar Aug 28 '23 23:08 14ri004

Basically the functionality is simple:

  • After booting, if there is no channel (frequency) with RS92, the state is set to disabled (and remains disabled as long as the TTGO is running)
  • Otherwise, the software tries to fetch eph, and then the state is something different in all cases. You should never see "disabled" in that case. The only possibilities are either "good" or some error state, but never "Disabled".

Seems like you have a slightly modified (french) version of the software, maybe something is broken in that version? Or did you try my original version as well? The web content in data does not matter, but the word "Désactivé" is printed in the software.

Otherwise it is very strange and I need the serial port output to diagnose this further.

dl9rdz avatar Aug 28 '23 23:08 dl9rdz

yes I put 3 frequencies with RS92, I updated with the last version of the software (version devel20230828b), no modification of the software either, reboot, turning off and turning on the ttgo does not change anything, ftp=gssc.esa.int/gnss/data/daily/%1$04d/brdc/brdc%2$03d0.%3$02dn.gz

14ri004 avatar Aug 29 '23 00:08 14ri004

could this help you? lis

Mauri740 avatar Aug 29 '23 00:08 Mauri740



14ri004 avatar Aug 29 '23 00:08 14ri004

I'm not the only one in this situation, I have 2 friends who have exactly the same problem = RS92 RINEX eph state: Disabled

I will try to reprogram a new ttgo to see if I have the exact same problem

14ri004 avatar Aug 29 '23 00:08 14ri004

Ok, there is an issue with the config editor. But this should only cause "Fetch error", never "Disabled".

What you can do is just remove the geteph url line in the config and save, and then reboot, then it will use the correct default string automatically (this problem is fixed in new devel20230829).

But please try to get the serial port output. If you cannot use Arduino or PlatformIO, you can also simple Windows commands. Use device manager to find the com port number of your ESP32 (connected via USB), and then open the command line and do TYPE COM3: >> serial.txt Instead of "3" use the correct com port number :) You can also send the file (serial.txt) to me by email instead of posting it here ([email protected])

dl9rdz avatar Aug 29 '23 00:08 dl9rdz

I reprogrammed 2 new TTGOs with: flash_download_tool_3.9.4.exe always the same result = disabled I don't use Arduino or platfomIO, I tested your command (TYPE COM14: >> serial.txt) but it tells me access denied,


14ri004 avatar Aug 29 '23 01:08 14ri004

Try to upload the official version "master v0.9.3.B17" here: http://rdzsonde.mooo.com/download.html Then, from the "ABOUT" Ttgo page, update to "devel 20230828" via "check for update" If the ttgo board is the same to mine, as it's the firmware version, I don't understand how there can be a different result.

Mauri740 avatar Aug 29 '23 08:08 Mauri740

j'ai fait la mise à jour en master et j'ai remis la devel, exactement pareil, j'ai tester sur 7 TTGO dont 3 T-BEAM résultat identique, j'ai mis 3 fréquences en RS92, reboot, effacer la ligne FTP, éteindre, allumer, cela ne change pas, c'est toujours en désactivé, a ne rien y comprendre

14ri004 avatar Aug 29 '23 08:08 14ri004