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Enhancement Request: Add Scan Skip to Spectrum Scan

Open XionUAV opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

In base station tracking applications where two or more TTGO boards are used for multiple sonde tracking, it would be highly useful to be able to skip or block a specific frequency so one board can decode a specific sonde while the other board continuous scanning for others.

XionUAV avatar Feb 25 '22 02:02 XionUAV

Yep, and if one is with yagi and rotator if it is possible to drive the rotator in the direction of the currently receiving sonde coordinates ;). I think also about Six 7 elements LPDA with 60° of azimuth each one, on the same mast, every two in back as a reflector also, 4NEC2 shows about 10dBi gain. Then six LNA with SAW filters and attenuators to Six TTGOs, but now I tried a simple and cheaper solution. Thanks to the very clever design and flexible realisation by Hansi, great job!

So the problem with one receiver is that when there is a sonde it is bound to it. But with just a little mod of screen1.txt (wiki - advanced display configuration) it is no longer a problem. When scan is stopped default Legacy screen1 is called. Then if there is a stable decoding after 7 seconds is called screen2. If there is no any decoding after 18 seconds, scanning is resumed. If there is unstable decoding and both timers are resetting often, independent timer is set to 22 seconds and again screen2 - field display is called. Screen2 is used to exit from loop, because if just go to scan from Legacy, while it is on the same QRG, it get again one packet and goes again in Legacy on same QRG. In screen2 if there is a signal go to next QRG, if there is no signal immediately go to Scanning. Screen2 is excluded from the CONFIG/OLED/TFT display configuration/Display screens (scan, default, ...)/=0,1,3,4,5 for example.

The most important times 22,7,18 can be changed as you prefer.

Changes to screen1.txt:

@Legacy timer=22,7,18 key1action=+,0,F,W key2action=>,#,#,# timeaction=2,2,0 0,5=f MHz 1,8=c 0,0=t 1,0=is 2,0=L 4,0=O 2,10=a 3,10=h 4,9=v 6,0=R 6,7=Q

############ @Field timer=-1,0,0 key1action=+,0,F,W key2action=>,#,#,# timeaction=#,+,0 0,0=xStationary_RDZ 2,3=xscan_algo 5,5=xLZ4TU


If i had an "If" i would make something like this: If v<0 (sonde falling) call screen3, and in screen3 return to scan is disabled for 60 seconds after loosing signal. But even without this it is working fine as a stationary receiver.

73-de-LZ avatar Feb 26 '22 03:02 73-de-LZ