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[feature request] pls Add ddns function to webserver

Open laco717 opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

laco717 avatar Feb 04 '22 17:02 laco717

Why? This will be another waste of ressources and you might notice, that an ESP32 is not secure and reliable enough, to operate it 24/7 exposed to the web.

DL2MF avatar Feb 12 '22 21:02 DL2MF

Sorry, mixed up mdns / dynaminc dns.

This function makes no sense to me, you can setup ddns in your router if you really need it.

cixio avatar Feb 14 '22 15:02 cixio

Sorry, mixed up mdns / dynaminc dns.

mDNS discovery's already there, too 😄 (rdzsonde.local)

yaleman avatar Feb 14 '22 22:02 yaleman