I have the same problem as described here though use the latest version of BIMServer. Any ideas where to dig?
Hello! Is there any description of how to use subprojects? I understand that they are intended to divide one federated model into parts. But the question is how these parts...
What is the proper way to add IfcPropertyListValues through LowLevelInterface? It seems that only Single and Bounded values are supported as well as lists of Doubles
According to IFC specification for IfcPolyline ( ``` If the first and the last Cartesian point in the list are identical, then the polyline is a closed curve, otherwise it...
When I create an object and then remove it in the same transaction I get BimserverConcurrentModificationDatabaseException. This is due to the fact that this object is located both in created...
Is it possible to get a slice of 3D model on a certain z-level in BIMServer? line 174: ``` for (EClassifier classifier : objects.values().iterator().next().eClass().getEPackage().getEClassifiers()) { if (classifier instanceof EClass) { Map map = new TreeMap(); guidIndex.put((EClass) classifier, map); } } ``` guidIndex is populated only...
From time to time I get the following exception during checkin process of one model: ``` 8113966 [pool-1-thread-1] ERROR org.bimserver.longaction.LongAction - [UNKNOWN_DESERIALIZER_ERROR] [firebox.ifc] Error on line 2370: (null) #6329= IFCMATERIALLAYER(#6330,15.,$,'Layer',$,$,$);...
Does somebody plan to port BimServer to the latest version of IFC standard? Is it difficult, are there any pitfalls?
When I call any method related to guids (such as indexGuids or getByGuid) on IfcModelInterface I get java.util.ConcurrentModificationException... java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at$Itr.hasNext at org.bimserver.ifc.IfcModel.indexGuids at org.bimserver.ifc.IfcModel.getByGuid