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Prometheus metrics for Sanic, an async python web server

Sanic prometheus metrics

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After googling for a while I didn't find a library that would enable some prometheus <>_ metrics for Sanic <>_-based apps, so I had to write one. It makes adding monitoring to your Sanic app super easy, just add one line to your code (ok, two if you count import :) and point Prometheus to a newly appeared /metrics endpoint.

Versions compatibility

  • ☑︎ use >= 0.1.0 for Sanic <= 0.4.1
  • ☑︎ use 0.1.3 for Sanic >= 0.5.0
  • ☑︎ use >= 0.1.4 if you need multiprocessing support
  • ☑︎ use 0.1.6 if you have to use promtheus-client <= 0.4.2
  • ☑︎ use 0.1.8 with prometheus-client >= 0.5.0
  • ☑︎ use 0.2.0 with prometheus-client >= 0.7.1 and Sanic >= 18.12

Exposed metrics

At the moment sanic-prometheus provides four metrics:

  • sanic_request_count - total number of requests (labels: method, endpoint, status) [counter <>_]
  • sanic_request_latency_sec - request latency in seconds (labels: method, endpoint) [histogram <>_]
  • sanic_mem_rss_bytes - resident memory used by the process (in bytes) [gauge <>_]
  • sanic_mem_rss_perc - a percent of total physical memory used by the process running Sanic [gauge <>_]


  • method: a HTTP method (i.e. GET/POST/DELETE/etc)
  • endpoint: just a string, a name identifying a point handling a group of requests. By default it's just the first element of the relative path of the URL being called (i.e. for http://myhost/a/b/c you'll end up having /a as your endpoint). It is quite configurable, in fact it's up you what's gonna get to the endpoint label (see help(sanic_prometheus.monitor) for more details)
  • http_status: a HTTP status code

Enabling monitoring


.. code:: python

from sanic import Sanic from sanic_prometheus import monitor

app = Sanic() ...

if name == "main": monitor(app).expose_endpoint() # adds /metrics endpoint to your Sanic server"", port=8000)

Actually, there're two ways to run monitoring:

  1. The one you've seen above, monitor(app).expose_endpoint(). It just adds a new route to your Sanic app, exposing /metrics endpoint on the same host and port your Sanic server runs. It might be useful if you run your app in a container and you do not want to expose different ports for metrics and everything else. You can customize the /metrics endpoint by passing the metrics_path keyword argument: monitor(app, metrics_path='/my_metrics_path').expose_endpoint().
  2. monitor(app).start_server(addr=..., port=...). Runs a HTTP server on given address and port and exposes /metrics endpoint on it. This might be useful if you want to restrict access to your /metrics endpoint using some firewall rules

Multiprocess mode

Sanic allows to launch multiple worker processes to utilise parallelisation, which is great but makes metrics collection much trickier (read more <>_) and introduces some limitations.

In order to collect metrics from multiple workers, create a directory and point a prometheus_multiproc_dir environment variable to it. Make sure the directory is empty before you launch your service::

 % rm -rf /path/to/your/directory/*
 % env prometheus_multiproc_dir=/path/to/your/directory python

Unfortunately you can not use monitor(app).start_server(addr=..., port=...) in multiprocess mode as it exposes a prometheus endpoint from a newly created process.


Best you can do is::

 % ipython
 In [1]: from sanic_prometheus import monitor
 In [2]: help(monitor)

Prometheus quering examples:

  • Average latency over last 30 minutes::

    rate(sanic_request_latency_sec_sum{endpoint='/your-endpoint'}[30m]) / rate(sanic_request_latency_sec_count{endpoint='/your-endpoint'}[30m])

  • 95th percentile of request latency::

    histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(sanic_request_latency_sec_bucket[5m])) by (le))

  • Physical memory usage percent over last 10 minutes::


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