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Spanish translation?

Open caralu74 opened this issue 3 years ago • 6 comments

Can I translate into Spanish?

caralu74 avatar Dec 05 '20 21:12 caralu74

Sorry I did not respond sooner...

MediaTester is not currently instrumented for multi-language support. If you, or someone else, is willing to commit to translating, I will look into adding multi-language support.

dkrahmer avatar Apr 04 '22 01:04 dkrahmer

Yes, I can translate into Spanish. And I want to do it.

caralu74 avatar Apr 04 '22 18:04 caralu74

And I may add Italian translation

fabianoriccardi avatar Apr 04 '22 19:04 fabianoriccardi

Awesome! I will work on adding localization support and document details on how to contribute additional languages.

dkrahmer avatar Apr 05 '22 05:04 dkrahmer

Hi @caralu74, I have added localization support and also updated the solution and projects for VS2019. You can find instructions for adding a new language here: I tried to make it easy to add a new language so please give me feedback on the process and let me know if you have any questions.

dkrahmer avatar Apr 24 '22 06:04 dkrahmer

Hi @dkrahmer I'm not anyone... but to me if you really want the help from random people to translate your program don't ask for 'gits' and/or 'forks' and/or whatever technical, I suggest you to make a simple template file in *.txt format or another simple format with the strings in English (the default you already have baked in the program) and then in the next line the people just put the string in their language.

For example:

## "Total Bytes To Test"
Total de Bytes para Testar
## "Stop processing on first failure"
Pare o processo na 1ª falha

...and so on.

PS: is this case those 2 lines are translated in Portuguese (PT-PT).

Newtomic avatar Jun 27 '24 00:06 Newtomic