Hi and thank you! 1) I'm attaching the aslcontext file for the single-PLD scan which includes the M0. []( Here are brief descriptions of each sequence from the tutorial: [](
[]( Here is the additional info I can get from the Dicom headers for the single and multi-pld runs. There are results for 4 commands here: two for each sequence....
# pyafq fails ## Overview This looks to me like qsiprep does not consider **pyafq_tractometry** a legitimate option. I think I spelled it right. Thoughts? ## Background I've been trying...
Thanks, I did not realize there was a new version available. I will try it. Will the new version be able to use the results of my previous qsiprep and...
@arokem That works perfectly with qsiprep 0.17.0! Thanks so much.
Hi All, I'm having similar struggles with ciftify and docker. I have freesurfer and fmriprep output from fmriprep 151. I am on a mac pro 10.14.6 and running docker
Thank you for your quick response! I AM pointing to my own copy of the freesurfer license, in exactly the way that works with fmriprep: **-v /Users/dpat/license.txt:/opt/freesurfer/license.txt:ro** (I also ran...
@SchmidtME I've been using fmriprep to generate cifti files now that those are compatible with the HCP. -Dianne
Thanks, I will ask Oscar then. I never got the fmriprep-ciftify container to run...despite passing in all the freesurfer license info. I guess you didn't see my response to your...
@a3sha2 Any news on this problem? I am running into the same issue with LabelingDuration and PASL.