miSCellaneous_lib copied to clipboard
sVarGui.gui throws error for curve warp
While my previous bug report was a red herring, it did ultimately discover a real, albeit small problem in miSC.
\foo.asCompileString // -> 'foo'
// ^^ just checking that I'm using the stock version of that
Spec.specs[\freq].warp = 0.1
throws error:
ERROR: Message 'at' not understood.
Integer 0
arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
arg this = nil
arg error = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
arg this = <instance of Thread>
arg error = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
arg this = nil
arg selector = 'at'
arg args = [*1]
arg this = <instance of ControlSpec>
arg synthName = nil
arg metaKey = 'specs'
arg useGlobalSpecs = true
var s = "ControlSpec(20, 20000, 0.1, ..."
var i = nil
var typeString = nil
var indices = nil
< FunctionDef in Method Symbol:miSC_sVarGuiSpecsFromTuples >
arg keyNumPair = [*2]
arg this = [*3]
arg function = <instance of Function>
var i = 0
arg this = <instance of List>
arg function = <instance of Function>
arg this = 'default'
arg tuples = <instance of List>
arg exclude = [*0]
arg metaKey = 'specs'
var specData = <instance of ControlSpec>
var varGuiSpecs = <instance of List>
var key = 'freq'
var num = 1
< FunctionDef in Method Symbol:sVarGuiSpecs >
arg i = 0
arg this = 1
arg function = <instance of Function>
var i = 0
arg this = 'default'
arg ctrBefore = [*0]
arg ctrReplace = [*0]
arg ctrAfter = [*0]
arg exclude = [*0]
arg metaKey = 'specs'
arg useGlobalSpecs = true
arg num = 1
var excludeI = [*0]
var controlTuples = <instance of List>
var expand = <instance of Function>
var ctrs = [*1]
var replaceIndex = nil
arg this = 'default'
arg ctrBefore = nil
arg ctrReplace = nil
arg ctrAfter = nil
arg exclude = nil
arg metaKey = 'specs'
arg useGlobalSpecs = true
arg num = 1
arg server = nil
< closed FunctionDef > (no arguments or variables)
arg this = <instance of Interpreter>
var res = nil
var func = <instance of Function>
var code = "\default.sVarGui.gui"
var doc = nil
var ideClass = <instance of Meta_ScIDE>
^^ ERROR: Message 'at' not understood.
Basically, 0.1.asWarp.asSpecifier.class
is a Float, but you are hoping to find it as a single-quoted Symbol in ControlSpec.miSC_specAsArray
The correct version of that method is in fact much simpler, and avoids the forced conversion that breaks the above use case:
+ ControlSpec {
miSC_specAsArray { |synthName, metaKey = \specs, useGlobalSpecs = true|
^[this.minval, this.maxval, this.warp.asSpecifier, this.step, this.default]
To be more explicit, after setting the warp to a number, which is a legit thing to do, as that translates into a CurveWarp
with the standard SC library (of SC 3.12.1 anyway), the default asCompileString
for a Spec of that kind will print it like
Spec.specs[\freq].warp = 0.1
// -> ControlSpec(20, 20000, 0.1, 0, 440, " Hz")
Your miSC_specAsArray
method tries to look for a single quoted string in there, such 'exp'
, but fails to find one when CurveWarp is used, because that prints itself as a mere unquoted number in response to asCompileString
Hey, thanks for the report and the suggestion. VarGui is very old, I'd have to look into it if this doesn't break other use cases. I will look at it before the next update. Cheers, Daniel