Results 133 comments of Demyan Kimitsa

hi, @CoderBaron tried playing with sample code on with following setup gdxVersion = '1.11.0' roboVMVersion = '2.3.19-SNAPSHOT' and wasn't able to reproduce a hang. probably SKProducts to be configured ?

thanks for crash log. any luck to symbolicate stack positions above ? sadly I still unable to reproduce it on simulator. would be great if you are able to...

@keesvandieren hi, will create a PR later today, there are few places/texts to be updated

seems like all links are updated

hi, not abandoned, still one of priorities, hope to have another test build next week (with reflection code adapted)

and finally solved with

support added in 2.3.19

fixed in

@guillerodriguez its part of 2.3.19 release

yep it is not supported for a while due lack of support in dependency ilibmobiledevice. work on replacement is in progress