pdf_xcassets copied to clipboard
:train: Generate Xcode xcassets for PDF assets
:train: Generate Xcode xcassets
for pdf assets.
git clone https://github.com/dkhamsing/pdf_xcassets.git
cd pdf_xcassets
rake install
# pdf_xcassets installed 😊
pdf_xcassets <xcassets name> <assets directory>
$ pdf_xcassets resources sample/
> Creating xcassets named resources.xcassets
> PDF assets found: 3
> Creating resources.xcassets/Contents.json..
> 1 Processing sample/stats/charts.pdf
> Creating resources.xcassets/sample-stats-charts.imageset
> Copying pdf file to imageset
> Creating Contents.json
> 2 Processing sample/tasks/checked.pdf
> Creating resources.xcassets/sample-tasks-checked.imageset
> Copying pdf file to imageset
> Creating Contents.json
> 3 Processing sample/tasks/unchecked.pdf
> Creating resources.xcassets/sample-tasks-unchecked.imageset
> Copying pdf file to imageset
> Creating Contents.json
> resources.xcassets created
> pdf_xcassets finished 🎉
Bonus: Use a tool like Cat2Cat
to generate a UIImage category from the xcassets (reduce typos and get autocompletion in Xcode).
This project is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.