David Grieshammer
David Grieshammer
Quality Setting is already on very low -> maybe make it dynamic in relation to bandwith ? Evaluate & Optimize Video Quality for Low Bandwith (Jitsi can tell bandwidth)
Note: This is part of a bigger debate and the mental models users have of the chat venue; todo: elaborate ### Problem Statement The volume going to zero at a...
### Problem Statement The fact that faces can superpose was disturbing for many. ### Proposal We would expect bubbles to be solid and bump into each other, or at least...
We are unable to join a room without a webcam (e.g. no webcam detected by the browser). We can see that it's also a feature and that talking to plain...
Keyboard shortcuts to mute/unmute are missing (very helpful in Jitsi) -> also indicate shortcut in bottom bar menu to easily remind the shortcut (e.g. M mute)
a loudspeaker feature so that the organizer (or other participants when allowed) can be heard all across the board,
The ability to build rooms in the background, the walls of which would cut the sound to outside users,
Groups that can be sent to a corner of the board by the organizer in one click (or to rooms as in the previous point). An organizer could randomly assign...
A central space in which the organizer (or other participants when allowed) can share their screen.