David Grieshammer
David Grieshammer
Apparently this extension is using EWS with basic auth which is deprecated as of now. While it's possible to switch EWS to OAuth Microsoft suggests to use Graph for future...
Confirmed, just ran in that issue; live Preview in Browser works, while the console output of p5canvas says: 🚫: Font could not be loaded; Thanks for the Extension btw
> If you search the minified bundle for `{version:"` you'll find it is built currently from commit [bafd6c7](https://github.com/jitsi/lib-jitsi-meet/commit/bafd6c7b9d59a5d20122dee8c15a9e6ebaa2f440) (Feb 3, 2022) so it lacks the latest bug fixes. > >...
Same here; any updates?
> How are you running the test? @damencho I just cloned the repo & run MuteTest & TCPTest, fails against own install as well as on meet.jit.si; `mvn test -Djitsi-meet.instance.url="https://meet.jit.si"...