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Ranged units sometimes shoot at Dungeon Heart pillars instead of the Heart itself
As soon as a unit sees an enemy Dungeon Heart, (s)he just stands there and shoots at it with gay abandon, or tries to. They pay no mind to whether their shots actually hit the heart. If (s)he's shooting from a corner, his/her shots may instead hit the pillar, but the unit will just keep firing regardless, with those shots never actually hitting the heart.
A possibly related issue is that mêlée units sometimes get in the way of a ranged unit's shots, meaning the ranged unit's shots hit the mêlée creature instead.
Hi @AdamPlenty, I think it's always a good idea to attach a savegame with the bug or strange behaviour to save time then to developers trying to "make" the scene by themselves. Specify KeeperFX version the savegame come from in that case