Daniil Kazantsev

Results 18 issues of Daniil Kazantsev

@paskino I have some troubles installing the toolkit in Win 10 for Matlab using Cmake GUI. Would it be possible to add here some screenshots or recipes of the building...

-- [Bowsher prior](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=5872607) to implement or rather re-write the CCPForge [version](http://ccpforge.cse.rl.ac.uk/gf/download/frsrelease/417/5965/BowsherPrior.zip)


As @epapoutsellis mentioned, would the 4d extension be useful to incorporate into the toolkit? The obvious obstacle is the memory limits, so X-ray data might not be realistic to process....

* One requires a capability of passing not only a scalar but a vector of regularisation values. * When the N-dimensional field of regularisation parameters is evaluated, it can be...


After cmake build and running GPU modules in Matlab (Linux). The related [issue](https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues/issues/5191). Can be fixed either linking to a newer `libstdc++.so.6.0.24` or by setting the env variable: `export LD_PRELOAD=/home/user/anaconda3/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.24`...

implement some (2D+time) [ideas](https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-x-ray-science-and-technology/xst546) using nltv gpu module
