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⚙️ Automatic server provisioning and configuration for Elixir and Phoenix Deployment

Automating Elixir Deployment - Example Repo


  • What Is This?
  • Demo
  • Deployment Instructions
    • Setup Pulumi
    • Deploy Using eDeliver
  • Running Locally
  • About

What Is This?

This is a companion repository for a series of posts I wrote for the Hashrocket blog:


See it live!


Deployment Instructions

Setup Pulumi

  1. Get a Digital Ocean API key

  2. Export it in your shell:

    export DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN='your token.......'
  3. Install dependencies:

    $ mix setup
  4. Select a stack:

    $ mix pulumi stack select prod

    Look in infra/ and change it according to your needs.

    You will need a domain name with name servers pointed at:

    This may take a bit to propagate.

  5. Run pulumi up:

    mix pulumi up --yes

Setup Ansible

  1. Create a vault password file:

    $ echo 'topsecret' > ansible/.vault-password

    Replace topsecret with a password generated by your password manager.

  2. Remove existing secret files and create your own using the password you specified above:

    $ cd ansible
    $ rm inventories/group_vars/all/secret/all.yml
    $ ansible-vault create inventories/group_vars/all/secret/all.yml

    It should look like this:

    secret_admin_email: [email protected]

    Replace with your own email, save and exit the file.

    Now do the same for the phoenix secrets file:

    $ rm inventories/group_vars/application/secret/phoenix.yml
    $ ansible-vault create inventories/group_vars/application/secret/phoenix.yml

    It should look like this:

    secret_secret_key_base: 'run mix phx.gen.secret to generate'
    secret_erlang_cookie: 'run mix phx.gen.secret to generate'

    In a separate terminal generate the secrets using mix phx.gen.secret, paste them into the file, save and exit.

  3. Change directories back up to the root of the project and run:

    $ mix ansible

Deploy Using eDeliver

Once the server is fully provisioned by Pulumi and Ansible, you should be able to build a release:

$ mix edeliver build release

The output should look like:


-----> Authorizing hosts
-----> Ensuring hosts are ready to accept git pushes
-----> Pushing new commits with git to: [email protected]
-----> Resetting remote hosts to 26b6853c000982d80466818c7a1028e392b60483
-----> Cleaning generated files from last build
-----> Updating git submodules
-----> Fetching / Updating dependencies
-----> Build static assets
-----> Compiling sources
-----> Generating release
-----> Copying release 0.1.0+1-26b6853 to local release store
-----> Copying example.tar.gz to release store


Copy the release version and use it to deploy the release to production:

$ mix edeliver deploy release to production --version=0.1.0+1-26b6853

When the deploy is finished, restart the production release:

$ mix edeliver restart production

Running Locally

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Setup the project with mix setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


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Deploy Elixir Example is kindly supported by Hashrocket, a multidisciplinary design and development consultancy. If you'd like to work with us or join our team, don't hesitate to get in touch.