Deyan Kamburov
Deyan Kamburov
@MayaKirova @mddragnev @hanastasov Let's do a meeting about it and discuss restoring the strategies next sprint.
@Poseclop I can't reproduce this here - Are using some customized theme and is the theme of the grid loaded on the page? The grid from the screenshot looks...
@SkylerLutz please re-open the issue if you have further questions on it.
@mddragnev can we do the pr to the elements branch
Sounds reasonable to me. @wnvko does that work for you? Please re-open it if we are missing something.
@damyanpetev can we resurrect this one? Should we mark it as ready for review and testing? I mean is there anything we should wait for it or is it ready?
@damyanpetev this got closed once again should we leave it for when there is time for it?
I agree to that. Should I close it?
See the fallowing comment `isIndexOutOfBounds` method could be reused
@dobromirts Can this be reproduced in the angular grid as well?