lol, sadly not, not sure if thats to do with EULA on the minecrafts server jar or something.
Never dealt with travis, how do i do this?
Yup, I've added everything to the folders so should work although even with special source and joptsimple being set to the correct set it's still not loading. Pondering if I...
Done, how I missed that guy I have no idea. Let me know if there's any more
While packaging the bundle for some unknown reason it switches to the local drive to find the launchwrapper jar file.. Had to manually add that in Server directory: D:\Users\djove\Desktop\New folder\Contigo\build\bundle...
I've made a release for this version along with downloadable library zip
I've added it to travis now, build is failing however with: symbol: variable set location: class OreDictionary /home/travis/build/djoveryde/Contigo/eclipse/cauldron/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/oredict/ error: cannot find symbol Integer[] tmp = set.toArray(new Integer[set.size()]); "set" being the...
Ok cheers, at least were getting there one bug at a time 👍
**bangs head against the table** why did I forget to change the travis repo... stupid me lol
@SantaGitHub presuming thats the section in the kbootstrap.pom file that references ""? Presuming that means we somehow need to find an old copy of their kbootstrap git repo?