Symfony-coding-standard copied to clipboard
Development repository for the Symfony coding standard
No matches found: "--ignore=vendor/*,app/*,./var/*,bin/*,web/*,assets/*,*.js,*.css,node_modules/*"
I am using symfony 5.4 with latest coding standard package. when i try to ignore few directories from lint test it returns No matches found: "--ignore=vendor/*,app/*,./var/*,bin/*,web/*,assets/*,*.js,*.css,node_modules/*" Could some help me...
Hello there, I'm working on a Symfony 5.4 project with php 8.1. I declared an enum type as following: ```php enum Status: string { case Open = 'open'; case Archived...
Given a class like: ```php
In my controller, I have: ```php /** * Returns a single Feed Item. * * @OA\Tag(name="FeedItem") * @OA\Get( * @OA\Parameter( * name="uuid", * in="path", * description="UUID for the FeedItem", *...
`SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.SingleLineArrayWhitespace` is probably exactly that.
Code like the following breaks the sniff, reporting an error either way: ```php if (foo::$bar === bar::$foo) { } ```
When trying to use the coding standard, I am getting this error that halts the linting. ``` 1 | ERROR | An error occurred during processing; checking has been aborted....