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Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
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- [ ] chore(deps) Update all non-major dependencies (
Detected dependencies
styfle/cancel-workflow-action 0.12.0
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
snok/install-poetry v1
peaceiris/actions-gh-pages v3
actions/checkout v4
srggrs/assign-one-project-github-action 1.3.1
srggrs/assign-one-project-github-action 1.3.1
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-node v4
untitaker/hyperlink 0.1.32
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
snok/install-poetry v1
actions/checkout v4
snok/install-poetry v1
actions/setup-node v4
bahmutov/npm-install v1
cycjimmy/semantic-release-action v3
JRubics/poetry-publish v1.17
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-node v4
bahmutov/npm-install v1
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
abatilo/actions-poetry v2
codecov/codecov-action v3
actions/checkout v4
jirutka/setup-alpine v1
actions/setup-python v5
abatilo/actions-poetry v2
codecov/codecov-action v3
maxim-lobanov/setup-xcode v1
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
actions/setup-node v4
@codemirror/lang-html ^6.4.3
@codemirror/state ^6.2.0
@creativebulma/bulma-divider ^1.1.0
@fontsource/crimson-pro ^5.0.0
@fontsource/rasa ^5.0.0
@quasibit/eleventy-plugin-schema ^1.11.0
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^15.0.2
@sindresorhus/slugify ^2.2.0
animate-sass ^0.8.2
codemirror ^6.0.1
eleventy-critical-css ^2.0.2
eleventy-plugin-i18n ^0.1.3
eleventy-plugin-rev ^2.0.0
eleventy-sass ^2.2.1
md5 ^2.3.0
rollup ^4.8.0
@11ty/eleventy 2.0.1
@11ty/eleventy-img ^3.1.8
@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight 5.0.0
@fontsource/inter ^5.0.16
@fortawesome/fontawesome-free ^6.4.0
@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss 5.0.0
@toycode/markdown-it-class 1.2.4
algoliasearch ^4.17.0
autoprefixer ^10.4.14
bulma 0.9.4
bulma-pricingtable 0.2.0
cssnano ^6.0.0
cz-conventional-changelog 3.3.0
eleventy-plugin-edit-on-github 1.1.0
eleventy-plugin-metagen ^1.8.3
esbuild ^0.19.0
eslint ^8.36.0
eslint-config-airbnb-base 15.0.0
eslint-plugin-import ^2.29.0
fontawesome-subset 4.4.0
html-minifier 4.0.0
markdown-it ^14.0.0
markdown-it-anchor 8.6.7
markdown-it-div 1.1.0
markdown-it-imsize 2.0.1
outdent 0.8.0
postcss-cli ^11.0.0
postcss-nested 6.0.1
prettier ^3.1.1
prismjs 1.29.0
sass ^1.60.0
slugify ^1.6.6
@semantic-release/changelog 6.0.3
@semantic-release/commit-analyzer 11.1.0
@semantic-release/exec 6.0.3
@semantic-release/git 10.0.1
@semantic-release/github 9.2.5
@semantic-release/npm 11.0.2
@semantic-release/release-notes-generator 12.1.0
cz-conventional-changelog 3.3.0
lint-staged 15.2.0
prettier ^3.0.0
semantic-release 22.0.12
python ^3.8.0,<4.0
click ^8.0.1
PyYAML ^6.0
colorama ^0.4.4
regex ^2023.0.0
tqdm ^4.62.2
tomli ^2.0.1
pathspec ^0.12.0
html-void-elements ^0.1.0
html-tag-names ^0.1.2
jsbeautifier ^1.14.4
cssbeautifier ^1.14.4
json5 ^0.9.11
black ^23.1.0
isort ^5.12.0
coverage ^7.2.2
pytest ^7.2.2
pytest-cov ^4.0.0
pytest-xdist ^3.2.1
ruff ^0.1.0
mypy ^1.1.1
tox ^4.4.8
pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks v4.5.0
myint/autoflake v2.2.1
asottile/pyupgrade v3.15.0
PyCQA/isort 5.13.2
psf/black 23.12.0
macisamuele/language-formatters-pre-commit-hooks v2.11.0
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