py_arknights icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
py_arknights copied to clipboard

明日方舟国服请求库 arknights CN request functions

Py Arknights

arknights CN request library


pip install arknights


from pathlib import Path
from arknights import Arknights, AkCall

ark = Arknights(
    username="18888888888",                         # phone number
    password="xxxxxxx",                             # password
    access_token="",                                # access_token (if you have
    device_id="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",   # device_id
    device_id2="ffffffffffffffff",                  # device_id2
    relogin=False,                                  # auto relogin
    use_cache=True,                                 # use session cache
    session_dir=Path("accs"),                       # session_dir
    proxy=""                   # http proxy


user_data = AkCall.Account(ark).syncData()
print(f'Is Level {user_data["user"]["status"]["level"]} now')

search_player = AkCall.Social(ark).getSortListInfo("两面包夹芝士", "")
player_list = AkCall.Social(ark).searchPlayer(
    [x["uid"] for x in search_player["result"]]

for player in player_list["result"]:
    nickName = player["nickName"]