Jean-Paul Mari
Jean-Paul Mari
On the VJ-Rx and original VJ the CD Bios starts and reboot in infinite loop. Tested on VJ-Rx 5a, vj-20150228 & VJ 20150310-win64. Tested with version 2.1.3 from However,...
User reported the issue after testing into a virtual machine (win XP and win10) and it doesn't work.
Code enter in permanent / infinite loop. $5B18 remains as 0 $4380 remains as 1 | | -> 809CA4: 0CB9 0000 0000 0000 5B18 CMP.L #$0, $5B18 | | 809CAE:...
A user has issued an interest about a RAM editing feature.
A user would like to have a feature to edit a ROM. It will require a ROM's window browser.
It seems the BPM feature is already able to handle one breakpoint on Data.
For some reason(s), the application report some weird geometry values. It doesn;t lead to particular problems, all windows can be open and close. Will be good to have a look...