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Migration docs
I see you renamed a lot of the scss files. Any chance for a list so those of us switching from daemonite have an easier time migrating?
Hi, Good point. Not that much in fact. Just dropped custom snackbars for Bootstrap toasts. Added new Bootstrap components and ... I don't see other changes.
I'll try to write it down soon.
Don't hesitate to ask for details, it will be useful for doc improvement. But maintaning doc alone is harassing.
The bulk of the changes seem to to be changes from singular tense to plural.
form to forms,
image to images,
transition to transitions,
button to buttons, button-flat, button-float, and button-group
snackbar to snackbars.
Those are the ones I noticed, at least.
True. I follow Bootstrap naming of imports. Forgot this info since it was my preleminary work when upgrading to 4.4. Sorry for that. It is hard to be alone on such a project.