Mobile-UXSDK-iOS copied to clipboard
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/DJIWidget.framework/DJIWidget
ISSUE: dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/DJIWidget.framework/DJIWidget
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/DJIWidget.framework/DJIWidget
Referenced from: /Users/... .../Frameworks/DJIUXSDK.framework/DJIUXSDK
Reason: image not found
objc + Xcode 10.1
Create a new project and create a Podfile
, nothing else added.
The Podfile
is show below:
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'DJISDK4.9' do
pod 'DJI-SDK-iOS'
pod 'DJIWidget'
even if I set the specific version of DJISDK and UXSDK, the project still got the same problem.
Has anyone met this issue?
Hi, there are two options for you to ask for help:
Post your issues on StackOverflow:, the community can help you.
Report your issues to [email protected], as it's our official channel for developers to request DJI Developer Support now.
For DJI Developer Support, we have the following three tiers:
- Standard
This free support is available to anyone reaching out to [email protected]. There is no guarantee for response time.
This support comes with Pro membership for 99 USD per year. You can purchase it on DJI Developer Website. These requests have priority over Standard ones. Starting today, Preferred questions will be replied to within 2 to 5 business days (Monday – Friday).
This one-time ticket is considered high-priority and costs 499 USD per issue. You can purchase it on DJI Developer Website after you become the Pro membership developer. Starting today, Premium questions will be replied to within 1 business day (Monday – Friday). This may include communication with DJI SDK engineers, but will not involve face-to-face interaction. Time limitations apply, and please keep in mind that one question is permitted per ticket. We will do our best to resolve your issue, but there some situations demand deeper engineering efforts.
Here is the link of my demo:
I am also facing the same issue:-
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/DJIWidget.framework/DJIWidget Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/6F0ABB75-34B6-45E1-8737-8EBF8C1E0829/ Reason: image not found
Environment :
Xcode 10.0 Swift 4.0
platform :ios, '9.0'
use_modular_headers! target 'Waypoint2DSample' do pod 'GoogleMaps' pod 'Google-Maps-iOS-Utils' pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift' pod 'DJI-SDK-iOS' , '~> 4.10’ pod 'DJI-UXSDK-iOS' , '~> 4.10' pod 'DJIWidget' , '~> 1.5' end
I followed this link also but no help.
@UnknownWarning Have you resolved the issue?
You should add use_frameworks!
to your Podfile. For instance in the repo that @UnknownWarning shared the Podfile should look like:
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'DJISDK4.9' do
pod 'DJI-SDK-iOS'
pod 'DJIWidget'
Amazing! It works! Thank you from China!