Mobile-OSDK-iOS-App copied to clipboard
Mobile - OnboardSDK communication iOS app
Need to add `$(PROJECT_DIR)/VideoPreviewer/` in Build Setting -> Search Paths->Header Search Paths and enable "Legacy Build System" but after i have issue #6
dyld: Symbol not found: _DJICameraDisplayNameX7 Referenced from: /Users/apple/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/3A42DBA4-FCD1-4D29-B0FF-353E6CEF7E11/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/0CAC87DB-B74A-4C26-A3C6-56146B0A0EE8/DJI Expected in: /Users/apple/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/3A42DBA4-FCD1-4D29-B0FF-353E6CEF7E11/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/0CAC87DB-B74A-4C26-A3C6-56146B0A0EE8/DJI in /Users/apple/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/3A42DBA4-FCD1-4D29-B0FF-353E6CEF7E11/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/0CAC87DB-B74A-4C26-A3C6-56146B0A0EE8/DJI
I think it is misleading that the old version 3.1 is the standard branch for this repository. Also in all the documentation, there is no hint on that so I...
I have been able to use this sample app to receive data from an M100. So I added the: func onboardSDKDevice(_ osdkDevice: DJIOnboardSDKDevice, didSendDataToMobile data: Data) function to another sample...
Hello, Where can I find an Android version of this app? Alternatively do you at least have an API that I can use in order to build my own app?...