vault-ui copied to clipboard
Security issue. Token leakage
Hi. Our security team tested your UI and found a vulnerability. Here is a feedback from them:
Token leakage:
- Login to vault ui with token
- visit
- Open file token.txt at
Access token stolen.
Internal resources access:
- Disable VPN and send request GET /v1/sys/capabilities-self? HTTP/1.1 Host: ...
you got content, but we assume, that attacker can no has access to it
Actual result Token stolen, internal resources accessed
Expected result No SSRF
Area of Responsibility Other
Recommendation Do not user input, take value of target host from configuration.
Currently in /src/vaultapi.js: let vaultAddr = req.query.vaultaddr;
but should be something like this: let vaultAddr =config['vaultaddr']
Soooo. any suggestions for another UI that's not this one @anton00706 ?
@reverendtimm the official one ? See
@JorisInsign noice. Thanks.
- What is the status of this issue?
- Repro steps are not very clear.
There has been no response from a developer, nor has there been a commit since this issue was opened.
So at this point, I don't even care if the issue is real. (Though I think it is). Clearly using Vault-UI to access (company) secrets is a no-go.