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A simple way to access Docker's remote API
The current recommendation to enable Docker's remote API is to change the daemon configuration and then restart. With Sherpa, you simply need to run the container and you'll have access to the docker.sock via TCP.
ACL Configuration
Sherpa has two access modes, --allow
and --deny
(default). In allow
mode, access to the Docker API is implicitly allowed. Meaning, you must explicitly define endpoints and HTTP methods that are forbidden. In --deny
mode, the default mode, the reverse is true: access to the API is implicitly forbidden. Paths must be explicitly defined.
Paths can be configured using the $CONFIG
environment variable with a json blob passed in and/or by mounting config files to /etc/sherpa
. This blob has the following schema:
"Path" : "STRING",
"Access": "allow|deny",
"Methods": ["STRING"],
"Addresses": ["STRING"]
- "Path": The URI path to configure
- "Access": The access mode. Accepts "allow" or "deny"
- "Methods": The HTTP Methods to allow. Ignored if access is "deny".
- "Addresses": Specific addresses to allow. See NGINX allow for accepted values. Ignored if access is "deny".
Admins can also restrict access to Sherpa by using a combination of volume mounting permissions and IP binding.
Multiple ACLs can be defined to create a strictly contained remote API. Here are a few examples:
Full access
docker run -d \
--name sherpa \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
-p 4550:4550 \
djenriquez/sherpa --allow
Access to /containers/json GET only
docker run -d \
--name sherpa \
-e CONFIG='[
"Path" : "/containers/json",
"Access": "allow",
"Methods": ["GET"]
]' \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
-p 4550:4550 \
Access to everything but kill
docker run -d \
--name sherpa \
-e CONFIG='[
"Path" : "/containers/*/kill",
"Access": "deny"
]' \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
-p 4550:4550 \
djenriquez/sherpa --allow
Mount example config files /w env Config
docker run -d \
--name sherpa \
-e CONFIG='[
"Path" : "/containers/json",
"Access": "deny"
]' \
-v `pwd`/examples:/etc/sherpa \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
-p 4550:4550 \
djenriquez/sherpa --allow
Full access to internal IPs only
docker run -d \
--name sherpa \
-e CONFIG='[
"Path" : "/",
"Access": "allow",
"Addresses": ["", "", ""]
]' \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
-p 4550:4550 \
djenriquez/sherpa --allow