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Fix issue 42 where uci options can't be changed after engine initialization
``Fixes issue #42. Currently Search and Selection uci parameters cannot be changed after the engine has been initialized which happens after the first go-command. This means that currently user cannot run search with default parameters and then rerun the search with custom parameters without closing the engine in between.
Following shows the issue with current main where following parameters cannot be changed despite issuing ucinewgame after first search:
smartpruningfactor, moveoverheadms, cpuct, cpuctbase, cpuctfactor, cpuctatroot, cpuctbaseatroot, cpuctfactoratroot, policytemperature, fpu, fpuatroot
The latter snippet shows fixed behavior with this pr.
| Ceres - A Monte Carlo Tree Search Chess Engine |
| |
| (c) 2020- David Elliott and the Ceres Authors |
| With network backend code from Leela Chess Zero. |
| |
| Version 0.90-rc1 Use help to list available commands. |
Ceres user settings loaded from file Ceres.json
Network evaluation configured to use: <NNEvaluatorDef Network=LC0:66997 Device=GPU:0 >
Entering UCI command processing mode.
go nodes 100
Loaded network weights: 66997: 30x384 WDL MLH from C:\Users\jussi\Documents\lc0_weights\weights_run1_66997.pb.gz
CUDA device 0: GeForce RTX 2070 SMs: 36 Mem: 8gb
info depth 4 seldepth 10 time 105 nodes 66 score cp 11 tbhits 0 nps 628 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 g8f6 e1g1 f6e4 f1e1 string M= 136
info depth 5 seldepth 10 time 130 nodes 100 score cp 10 tbhits 0 nps 770 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 g8f6 e1g1 f6e4 f1e1 string M= 136
bestmove e2e4
setoption name smartpruningfactor value 0.0
setoption name moveoverheadms value 101
setoption name cpuct value 102
setoption name cpuctbase value 103
setoption name cpuctfactor value 104
setoption name cpuctatroot value 105
setoption name cpuctbaseatroot value 106
setoption name cpuctfactoratroot value 107
setoption name policytemperature value 108
setoption name fpu value 109
setoption name fpuatroot value 110
info string No search manager created
go nodes 100
info depth 4 seldepth 9 time 102 nodes 48 score cp 11 tbhits 0 nps 473 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 g8f6 e1g1 f6e4 string M= 136
info depth 5 seldepth 10 time 135 nodes 100 score cp 10 tbhits 0 nps 742 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 g8f6 e1g1 f6e4 f1e1 string M= 136
bestmove e2e4
RandomizeQ False
UCTRootNumeratorExponent 0,5
UCTNonRootNumeratorExponent 0,5
UCTRootDenominatorExponent 1
UCTNonRootDenominatorExponent 1
RootCPUCTExtraMultiplierDivisor 10000
RootCPUCTExtraMultiplierExponent 0
CPUCT 1,745
CPUCTBase 38739
CPUCTFactor 3,894
CPUCTAtRoot 1,745
CPUCTBaseAtRoot 38739
CPUCTFactorAtRoot 3,894
PolicyDecayFactor 0
PolicyDecayExponent 0,38
VirtualLossDefaultRelative -0,1
VirtualLossDefaultAbsolute -1
UseDynamicVLoss False
PowerMeanNExponent 0
FirstMoveThompsonSamplingFactor 0
FPUMode Reduction
FPUModeAtRoot Same
FPUValue 0,33
FPUValueAtRoot 1
PolicySoftmax 1,359
MinPolicyProbability 0,005
RandomizeScale 0,099999994
CPUCTDualSelectorDiffFraction 0,2
BestMoveMode TopQIfSufficientN
ApplyTrendBonus False
MLHBonusFactor 0
AutoOptimizeEnabled True
TreeReuseEnabled True
TreeReuseRetainedPositionCacheEnabled False
ReusePositionEvaluationsFromOtherTree True
Contempt 0
ContemptAutoScaleWeight 0
BatchSizeMultiplier 1
HistoryFillIn True
EnableTablebases False
DrawByRepetitionLookbackPlies 22
TwofoldDrawEnabled True
FutilityPruningStopSearchEnabled True
MoveFutilityPruningAggressiveness 0,4
GameLimitUsageAggressiveness 1
EnableInstamoves True
PaddedBatchSizing False
PaddedExtraNodesBase 5
PaddedExtraNodesMultiplier 0,03
TranspositionUseTransposedQ True
TranspositionUseCluster False
MoveOverheadSeconds 0,25
TestFlag False
TestScalar 0
TranspositionMode SingleNodeDeferredCopy
InFlightThisBatchLinkageEnabled True
InFlightOtherBatchLinkageEnabled False
NodeAnnotationCacheSize 750000
* SmartSizeBatches False
* FlowDirectOverlapped False
* FlowDualSelectors False
FlowSplitSelects True
* RootPreloadDepth 2
* RootPreloadWidth 2
MaxBatchSize 1024
DualSelectorAlternateCollisionFraction 0,25
* SelectParallelEnabled False
SelectParallelThreshold 5
* SetPoliciesParallelEnabled False
SetPoliciesNumPoliciesPerThread 32
ParallelMultiplier 1
This pr fixes the issue
*** WARNING: Ceres binaries built in Debug mode and will run much more slowly than Release
| Ceres - A Monte Carlo Tree Search Chess Engine |
| |
| (c) 2020- David Elliott and the Ceres Authors |
| With network backend code from Leela Chess Zero. |
| |
| Version 0.90-rc1 Use help to list available commands. |
Ceres user settings loaded from file Ceres.json
Network evaluation configured to use: <NNEvaluatorDef Network=LC0:66997 Device=GPU:0 >
Entering UCI command processing mode.
go nodes 100
Loaded network weights: 66997: 30x384 WDL MLH from C:\Users\jussi\Documents\lc0_weights\weights_run1_66997.pb.gz
CUDA device 0: GeForce RTX 2070 SMs: 36 Mem: 8gb
info depth 4 seldepth 10 time 105 nodes 66 score cp 11 tbhits 0 nps 630 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 g8f6 e1g1 f6e4 f1e1 string M= 136
info depth 5 seldepth 10 time 131 nodes 100 score cp 10 tbhits 0 nps 766 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 g8f6 e1g1 f6e4 f1e1 string M= 136
bestmove e2e4
setoption name smartpruningfactor value 0.0
setoption name moveoverheadms value 101
setoption name cpuct value 102
setoption name cpuctbase value 103
setoption name cpuctfactor value 104
setoption name cpuctatroot value 105
setoption name cpuctbaseatroot value 106
setoption name cpuctfactoratroot value 107
setoption name policytemperature value 108
setoption name fpu value 109
setoption name fpuatroot value 110
info string No search manager created
go nodes 100
info depth 5 seldepth 10 time 101 nodes 36 score cp 8 tbhits 0 nps 355 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 g8f6 e1g1 f6e4 f1e1 string M= 137
info depth 4 seldepth 5 time 158 nodes 100 score cp 13 tbhits 0 nps 634 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 string M= 136
bestmove d2d4
RandomizeQ False
UCTRootNumeratorExponent 0,5
UCTNonRootNumeratorExponent 0,5
UCTRootDenominatorExponent 1
UCTNonRootDenominatorExponent 1
RootCPUCTExtraMultiplierDivisor 10000
RootCPUCTExtraMultiplierExponent 0
* CPUCT 102
* CPUCTBase 103
* CPUCTFactor 104
* CPUCTAtRoot 105
* CPUCTBaseAtRoot 106
* CPUCTFactorAtRoot 107
PolicyDecayFactor 0
PolicyDecayExponent 0,38
VirtualLossDefaultRelative -0,1
VirtualLossDefaultAbsolute -1
UseDynamicVLoss False
PowerMeanNExponent 0
FirstMoveThompsonSamplingFactor 0
FPUMode Reduction
FPUModeAtRoot Same
* FPUValue 109
* FPUValueAtRoot 110
* PolicySoftmax 108
MinPolicyProbability 0,005
RandomizeScale 0,099999994
CPUCTDualSelectorDiffFraction 0,2
BestMoveMode TopQIfSufficientN
ApplyTrendBonus False
MLHBonusFactor 0
AutoOptimizeEnabled True
TreeReuseEnabled True
TreeReuseRetainedPositionCacheEnabled False
ReusePositionEvaluationsFromOtherTree True
Contempt 0
ContemptAutoScaleWeight 0
BatchSizeMultiplier 1
HistoryFillIn True
EnableTablebases False
DrawByRepetitionLookbackPlies 22
TwofoldDrawEnabled True
* FutilityPruningStopSearchEnabled False
MoveFutilityPruningAggressiveness 0,4
GameLimitUsageAggressiveness 1
EnableInstamoves True
PaddedBatchSizing False
PaddedExtraNodesBase 5
PaddedExtraNodesMultiplier 0,03
TranspositionUseTransposedQ True
TranspositionUseCluster False
* MoveOverheadSeconds 0,101
TestFlag False
TestScalar 0
TranspositionMode SingleNodeDeferredCopy
InFlightThisBatchLinkageEnabled True
InFlightOtherBatchLinkageEnabled False
NodeAnnotationCacheSize 750000
* SmartSizeBatches False
* FlowDirectOverlapped False
* FlowDualSelectors False
FlowSplitSelects True
* RootPreloadDepth 2
* RootPreloadWidth 2
MaxBatchSize 1024
DualSelectorAlternateCollisionFraction 0,25
* SelectParallelEnabled False
SelectParallelThreshold 5
* SetPoliciesParallelEnabled False
SetPoliciesNumPoliciesPerThread 32
ParallelMultiplier 1
Thank you. Unfortunately this seemingly won't quite work. The engine, if already created, may have already internalized the search parameters and my not reread them (in some cases). Instead I think the thing to do is call ReinitializeEngine() which will release current engine, and upon next search a fresh engine with latest options will be built. I just did something similar to fix the most urgent case (#42) reported by you before version 0.91 is released.
Have you found some good settings with this?