bragibooks icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bragibooks copied to clipboard

An audiobook library cleanup and management tool built with Python and Django. Leveraging m4b-merge for audiobook standardization and editing. Ideal for enhancing audiobook library management.

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An audiobook library cleanup & management app, written as a frontend for web use of m4b-merge.

📝 Table of Contents

  • About
  • Getting Started
  • Usage
  • Built Using
  • Contributing
  • Authors
  • Acknowledgments

🧐 About

Bragi - (god of poetry in Norse mythology): Bragibooks provides a minimal and straightforward webserver that you can run remotely or locally on your server. Since Bragibooks runs in a docker, you no longer need to install dependencies on whichever OS you are on. You can

Some basics of what Bragi does:

  • Merge multiple files
  • Convert mp3(s)
  • Cleanup existing data on an m4b file
  • More features on m4b-merge's help page


Folder/file selection ASIN input
file-selection asin-pre
Folder/file selection Post-proccess overview
asin-input post-process

🏁 Getting Started

You can either install this project directly or run it prepackaged in Docker.



  • All prerequisites are included in the image.

Direct (Gunicorn)

  • You'll need to install m4b-tool and it's dependants from the project's readme
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt from this project's directory.



To run Bragibooks as a container, you need to pass some paramaters in the run command:

Parameter Function
-v /path/to/input:/input Input folder
-v /path/to/output:/output Output folder
-v /appdata/bragibooks/config:/config Persistent config storage
-p 8000:8000/tcp Port for your browser to use
-e LOG_LEVEL=WARNING Choose any logging level
-e UID=99 User ID to run the container as (default 99)
-e GID=100 Group ID to run the container as (default 100)
-e CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS= Domains to trust if bragibooks is hosted behind a reverse proxy.

Which all together should look like:

docker run --rm -d --name bragibooks -v /path/to/input:/input -v /path/to/output:/output -v /appdata/bragibooks/config:/config -p 8000:8000/tcp -e LOG_LEVEL=WARNING

Direct (Gunicorn)

  • Copy static assets to project folder:
    python collectstatic
  • Create the database:
    python migrate
  • Run the web server:
    gunicorn bragibooks_proj.wsgi \
    --bind \
    --timeout 1200 \
    --worker-tmp-dir /dev/shm \
    --workers=2 \
    --threads=4 \
    --worker-class=gthread \
    --reload \

🎈 Usage

The Bragibooks process is a linear, 3 step process:

  1. Select input - Use the file multi-select box to choose which books to process this session, and click next.
  2. Submit ASINs - Enter the 10-character ASIN for each book, found on (US only) and submit.
  3. Wait for books to finish processing. This can take anywhere from 10 seconds to a few hours, depending on the number and type of files submitted.
  4. Finish page - Page where you can see the data assigned to each book after it has finished processing.

⛏️ Built Using

✍️ Authors

🎉 Acknowledgements