django-unaccent copied to clipboard
Dajngo 1.5
Does this support Django 1.5? I tried to run the tests:
python test django_unaccent
FieldError: Join on field 'username' not permitted. Did you misspell 'contains_unaccent' for the lookup type?
FieldError: Join on field 'username' not permitted. Did you misspell 'contains_unaccent' for the lookup type?
This went up all the way, every test fails. I tried this after having tryed to use this before with no results.
Hey david,
thanks for the report. Well, I don't know, I should re-run the travis test to see (as it catches the last django). On your side, you can run the test (cf. the README).
This plugin relies on some internals of the django ORM, if some changes have been made to it, then it's highly probable that it broke the lib.
As i'm not actively maintaning this lib, please do not hesitate to investigate and I will merge your patch upstream.
Cheers, Simon
Hi Simon,
Runing the tests as described in README gives the same results as the way I did them, so I suppose this is not compatible with django 1.5.
Cheers, David
I've just added pull requests for this issue.