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Country-specific Django helpers, formerly of contrib fame

Results 32 django-localflavor issues
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There are small typos in: - docs/ - localflavor/za/ - tests/ Fixes: - Should read `that` rather than `shat`. - Should read `simplistic` rather than `simlistic`. - Should read `checksum`...

**Please replace these instructions with a description of your change. The 'New Fields Only' section should be removed if your pull request doesn't add any new fields.** Thanks for your...

`print()` is a function in Python 3.

Dropped Python 3.6 and 3.7. Added Python 3.10. **Please replace these instructions with a description of your change. The 'New Fields Only' section should be removed if your pull request...

Added FRRNAField to allow the use of RNA French Association Identification Number. More information on or **All Changes** - [x] Add an entry to the docs/changelog.rst describing the...

In `django-localflavor` version 3.1, there's no support of `models` for Japan though there is support of `forms`. So, I would love to add support of `models` for Japan just like...

Please add support for nepal

Hello there, As a followup to #210 and more recently #370, I would like to know if you'd be taking a PR that would replace the current VAT validation with...

**Please replace these instructions with a description of your change. The 'New Fields Only' section should be removed if your pull request doesn't add any new fields.** Thanks for your...

Added Russian insurance policy (or OMC) form to RU. Source: