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Django Enhancement Proposals

Results 8 deps issues
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Following discussion in #62, realized this field is out of sync, we can retrieve the information from Git, and several DEP's never had the field.

This is a very early WIP draft. I am still working on figuring out some issues and proper approaches. I will share it on mailing list soon after I think...

Hey @jarshwah @akaariai Here is a DEP describing the possible API for third-party query language support by Django ORM. If you like the idea it would be great if we...

@jacobian In [DEP 7]( at line 28: ```28: and core team that the chosen dependency...``` The sentence just dangles off into space there... Unfortunately, there's no way to make...

I would like to see the barrier to merging a draft DEP be lowered. In particular: - A reference implementation should not be expected, but we could mention for example...

This is a proposal for adding a background workers interface to Django, to better facilitate developers (both working with Django and library maintainers) moving certain tasks from their web processes...

Reflecting on #28 and my first draft DEP in #84 – I’d like the ability to write a DEP in Markdown, as Jacob suggested on the forum: [Updating our DEP...

_Draft, not ready for review yet_ [Read the DEP as HTML]( For context, see the forum thread: [Rejuvenating vs deprecating Form.Media](