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Redis channel layer backend for Django Channels

Results 53 channels_redis issues
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Following discussion on On 4.0.0b1, the `test_groups_basic` in either []( and []( tests can hang intermittently. This is most pronounced on CI environments (GitHub actions for this repo show...

Current config does not appear to allow me to define `SENTINEL_KWARGS` where I can specify a sentinel password for sentinel authentication. This appears to be a limitation with the current...

I'm not sure whether the root cause is in the 4.0.0 release or in Django-Celery's 5.3.0 release of two days ago, but since today, we've been getting a recurring error...


django==2.2.13 channels==3.0.3 channels-redis==3.2.0 daphne==3.0.2 NGINX for HTTP and DAPHNE to WSS, Python 3.6.4 AWS Linux We are seeing sporadically in the middle of the day (our tenants busiest times) exceptions...

I have a Error Log in my Daphne Log: 2019-04-26 16:54:57,916 ERROR Exception inside application: Reader at end of file File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/", line 241, in _step result = coro.throw(exc) File...


Hello! On the production service, we are using channels and channels Redis to deliver heavy updates on the web socket clients and it has worked fine for us for the...


The `keys` command is used here to find a set of keys to delete [Redis docs have a strong warning about the `keys` command]( > Warning: consider KEYS as...

If the redis server closes the connection, we may not know about that closure until we attempt to use it and get a network or aioredis error. If we ping-test...

Hi @[carltongibson]( I have been working on installing and testing channels-redis package on x86 and arm64 architectures. While testing this package for **arm64** using `python –m tox` the test stuck...