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WebWSPR copied to clipboard

WebWSPR is a WSPR program for SBCs or Linux PCs which uses a web browser as GUI


WebWSPR is a WSPR program for SBCs or Linux PCs which uses a web browser as GUI. Using a browser it can be operated at any network connection at home or even worldwide. A detailed discription is available at the authors homepage: www.dj0abr.de

Update V2.35: March,15th 2019:

  • soundcard selection including pulseaudio (auto is recommended in most cases)
  • new page STATION, enter a description of your station here, including pictures and links
  • list of all WebWSPR users who have entered an URL in the SETUP page

Upgrade instructions:

Upgrade ALL files (Its recommended to delete all files including the HTML directory and its subdirectories). The configuration file (phpdir/wspr_config.js) has been extended, so its important to remove all files including wspr_config.js.