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Avro schema Validations are bypassing in Divolte JS
Hi @friso @asnare
Can you please let me know , As we know Avro schema has default validation on all fields is "required"
so when I pass custom event from front end as divolte.signal("myevent", {eventType: "buy"})
so it is passing to the sinked kafka which is nothing but Kafka Tracking topic, even though my schema has other fields as well which are also required , so without validating it it those fields are not coming in payload from divolte.signal this will pushed the data to kafka topic
here below is my avro schema
Avro Schema (MyEventRecord.avsc)
"type" : "record",
"name" : "MyClass",
"namespace" : "com.test.avro",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "eventType",
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "userId",
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "productId",
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "timeField",
"type" : "long"
Groovy file content
mapping {
map eventParameters().value('eventType') onto 'eventType'
map eventParameters().value('userId') onto 'userId'
map eventParameters().value('productId') onto 'productId'
map timestamp() onto 'timeField'
divolte.conf content
divolte {
global {
kafka {
// Enable Kafka flushing
enabled = true
// Number of threads to use for flushing events to Kafka
threads = 2
// The maximum queue of mapped events to buffer before
// starting to drop new ones. Note that when this buffer is full,
// events are dropped and a warning is logged. No errors are reported
// to the source of the events. A single buffer is shared between all
// threads, and its size will be rounded up to the nearest power of 2.
buffer_size = 1048576
// The properties under the producer key in this
// configuration are used to create a Properties object
// which is passed to Kafka as is. At the very least,
// configure the broker list here. For more options
// that can be passed to a Kafka producer, see this link:
// http://kafka.apache.org/082/documentation.html#newproducerconfigs
producer = {
bootstrap.servers = "localhost:9092"
acks = 1
retries = 0
compression.type = lz4
max.in.flight.requests.per.connection = 1
group.id = "KafkaExampleConsumer"
sources {
browser {
type = browser
javascript.name = myproj.js
mappings {
a_mapping = {
schema_file = "/home/abc/python/working/divolte-collector-with-apache-kafka/divolte-collector-0.9.0/conf/MyEventRecord.avsc"
mapping_script_file = "/home/abc/python/working/divolte-collector-with-apache-kafka/divolte-collector-0.9.0/conf/mapping.groovy"
discard_corrupted = true
discard_duplicates = true
sources = [browser]
sinks = [kafka]
# a_mapping = {
# schema_file = "/home/abc/python/working/divolte-collector-with-apache-kafka/divolte-collector-0.9.0/conf/MyEventRecord2.avsc"
# mapping_script_file = "/home/abc/python/working/divolte-collector-with-apache-kafka/divolte-collector-0.9.0/conf/mapping2.groovy"
# discard_corrupted = true
# discard_duplicates = true
# sources = [browser]
# sinks = [kafka]
# }
sinks {
// The name of the sink. (It's referred to by the mapping.)
kafka {
type = kafka
// This is the name of the topic that data will be produced on
topic = tracking