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A mini merge DSL for data overlays
A mini merge DSL for data overlays.
Dmerge is a lightweight alternative to the NixOS module system to wrangle data. It aims to give you alternative semantics, currently not available in the ecosystem, when you need them.
- Simple semantics:
merge :: lhs -> rhs -> final
- Monotonistic on the Dataspine
- Expressive Array Merge Decorations
- Typed-by-Precedent
Simple semantics
# nix repl
> :lf github:divnix/dmerge
> :p merge { foo = "bar"; } { foo = "baz"; }
{ foo = "baz"; }
> :p merge { foo = [1]; } { foo = append [2]; }
{ foo = [ 1 2 ]; }
> :p merge { foo = [1]; } { foo = prepend [2]; }
{ foo = [ 2 1 ]; }
# update [idx] updates idx on lhs
> :p merge { foo = [1]; } { foo = update [0] [2]; }
{ foo = [ 2 ]; }
# recurses the arrays and attribute sets
> :p merge { foo = [{egg = {color = "yellow";};}]; } { foo = update [0] [{egg = {color = "green";};}]; }
{ foo = [ { egg = { color = "green"; }; } ]; }
# supports associative array merges
> :p merge { people = [{name = "bert"; age = 42;}]; } {people = updateOn "name" [{name = "bert"; age = 43;}]; }
{ people = [ { age = 43; name = "bert"; } ]; }
# chaining
> WithMichi = chainable {michelangelo = { age = 548; };}
> WithRemi = chainable {rembrandt = { age = 417; };}
> WithLeo = chainable {davinci = { age = 571; };}
> mkParty = chainMerge
> :p mkParty WithMichi WithRemi WithLeo {me = {age = 35;};}
{ davinci = { age = 571; }; me = { age = 35; }; michelangelo = { age = 548; }; rembrandt = { age = 417; }; }
Monotonistic on the Dataspine
Dmerge never destroys an Attribute Set or an Array. Unlike simple values, they are considered the dataspine and must be protected.
If you have a use case for destroying an Attribute Set or Array or plainly overriding an Array, consider better factorizing your left hand side, instead. It's a symptom of poor factorization.
Expressive Array Merge Decorations
In the above examples prooving its simplicity, you already got to know the full instruction set
of Dmerge to specify the array merge strategy on the right hand side: append
, prepend
, update
& updateOn
If you don't control the right hand side, but know it's structure, you can decorate
merge lhs (decorate rhs { people = updateOn "name";})
Typed by Precedent
You can't modify the type of a left hand side node or leave in the right hand side.
Check out the tests for more examples.
Implementor's Note
This repo has no flake.lock
. Chose the dependencies you see fit; assert compatibilty — chances are high, you'll be fine, though.
Example Use:
# flake.nix
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs";
inputs.dmerge = {
url = "github:divnix/dmerge";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
inputs.namaka.follows = ""; # testing only dependency
/* ... */
- Haumea for help me chore
- Namaka for testing-made-easy (tm)
- Cocogitto for taking the guesswork out of releases
- nix-quick-install-action for making nix in CI a sure quick thing