
Results 11 comments of divisuals

Spent some time debugging this issue, and here are a few findings: - the original [mathbox-bundle](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/unconed/mathbox@eaeb8e15/build/mathbox-bundle.js) used in the example notebook was **not UMD**, and had both THREE and other...

Another related update - when I tried to use the library in another AMD/require environment (ObservableHQ), the UMD bundle isn't looking usable. [Public notebook here](https://observablehq.com/d/1939230d245ac81e) has more details - re-capturing...

Happy to help! Having a cleaner webpack bundle would help but this isn't blocking my downstream experiments as I'm using (ESM) source directly. I will definitely raise issues/ pull requests...

Not sure if this is relevant: `CONST.RGBFormat` => `gl.RGB` lookup was removed from util/three.js in this commit - 3987ae6 (Feb/17/2022). Also, this error is not reproducible in any tests or...

Haven't seen any movement on this, so sharing my short-term workaround: - As mathbox is directly managing the data textures, I could get around compilation errors by just changing `RGBFormat`...

FWIW, I played with older builds/ THREE versions and found this cryptic error in the DevTools: - THREE r118.0 - MathBox v2.2.0 and v2.2.1 (older builds from last year) ```...

Thanks! These are not blocking at the moment - I'm just using my ugly, untested workarounds for now. Will raise issues and create a pull request for any urgent blockers!

Have you tried [Math3D](https://www.math3d.org/)? It has a fairly flexible way to render lines, curves, or anything that you may need. A quick spiral function here: If you want to build...

@linsong - this has been pending for a while. If you can rebase this with master, I can help review/ merge it. Also, now that docs are available, it may...

FWIW, there's a dated resource on cross-compilation here: https://code.google.com/archive/p/sedonawrt/wikis/Introduction.wiki The instructions is to target `openwrt` platform compiling from a `Ubuntu` environment - could be a starting point for what you're...