Upvote! Meanwhile, I found an [ugly workaround](https://github.com/json4s/json4s/issues/308#issuecomment-148839705) in a tangent issue. Note you will have to add your own error handling, because in this case exception messages are not descriptive...
You must have missed the "strange" part. Try adding ``` filtered1.exists(_._1 == "description") must_== false filtered1.exists(_._1 == "code") must_== false ``` and ``` filtered2.exists(_._1 == "description") must_== false filtered2.exists(_._1 ==...
At http://sentiment.vivekn.com/.
Thanks for your replies. To my mind, "oh my god" might only have a negative meaning when used by itself. In conjunction with other phrases it works like a sentiment...
I'm sorry, notification for the first message wound up in spam. Yes, it is org.joda.time.DateTime. Here is the code ("StackEvt" should "serialize to string and deserialize back" fails): ``` import...
Similar thing happens with Java Date, only in this case the deserializer expects a JString and fails when it gets anything else.
What are the fully qualified class names of formats you are referring to?
I have put together a [project](https://github.com/Optrak/MusterTest) to illustrate the issue.