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The Melange Language Workbench
in we have started a melange project based on 3 ecore files CD, montiarc (which uses CD) and montiarcruntime the melange file is simple ``` package ur1.diverse.montiarc.xdsml language XMontiArc...
When I write ``` package org.gemoc.xfsm import org.gemoc.sample.legacyfsm.fsm.FSMMT language XFSM { syntax "platform:/resource/org.gemoc.sample.legacyfsm.fsm.model/model/fsm.ecore" with org.gemoc.sample.legacyfsm.fsm.k3dsa.* } ``` the ModelType inference doesn't work even if I correctly set the project dependencies...
the following simple melange file fails when generating the runtime ``` language XFSM { syntax "platform:/resource/org.gemoc.sample.legacyfsm.fsm.model/model/fsm.ecore" with org.gemoc.sample.legacyfsm.fsm.k3dsa.StateAspect with org.gemoc.sample.legacyfsm.fsm.k3dsa.StateMachineAspect with org.gemoc.sample.legacyfsm.fsm.k3dsa.TransitionAspect } ``` with the following exception org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException: Resource...
If you look at the melange projects here: The melange generation leads to a non compilable java project. Two fixes proposed by @tdegueul: 1. enforcing the declaration of a...
when a melange project is hosted in git repository, some files generated by melange are ignored in git. this implies that another user who checkout the project will have errors...
When using Utils classes, it is sometime convenient to have them directly in the same project as the aspects. (for example because they may know about the aspect, or because...
A melange file with the following content doesn't parse package org.gemoc.sample.legacyfsm.fsm.language external language FSM { syntax "platform:/resource/org.gemoc.sample.legacyfsm.fsm.model/model/fsm.ecore" } with the following error _missing EOF at '.'_ on the "language" part...
We can right-click 'syntax' on languages to navigate to the Ecore file. This does not work for model types.
when creating the runtime for a language that use K3 aspect with dependency to other eclipse project, the depency is not copied to the runtime project
Hello :) I have an Ecore file with an _EClass_ `Transformation`, and I used K3 to define an aspect that look like this: ``` xtend @Aspect(className=Transformation) class TransformationAspect { public...