i want to have ftp uploads of images or videos que i turn switch ftp updload ON this why i ask for having more switches in the integration to control...
man, thanks!!!! the only way to get it.
i can see all tokens, i have yeelights, mi hub, aqara hub, fan
bhaap, can you please tell me where to get mosquitto_pub, snx_isp_ctl and snx_isp_md? i want to try your mqtt workaround please
> I've noticed that snx_isp_md only works for lower resolutions. > > im using this: > snx_rtsp_server -W 1280 -H 720 -F 15 -Q 10 -b 2048 >$LOG 2>&1 &...
Hi ive got same problem with sonoff ch4 r2, try installing [email protected] and works for me, im not a programer but i can do the test you need to solve...
Would be a nice enhancement +1