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A library for graph deep learning research

Results 51 DIG issues
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trying to run training for the Grace model: ``` dataset = get_node_dataset('cora') dataloader = DataLoader(dataset[0]) encoder = Encoder(feat_dim=dataset[0].x.shape[1], hidden_dim=embed_dim, n_layers=2, gnn='gcn', node_level=True, graph_level=False) grace = GRACE(dim=embed_dim, dropE_rate_1=0.2, dropE_rate_2=0.4, maskN_rate_1=0.3, maskN_rate_2=0.4,...

I'm trying to run the examples for explainable GNN ( xgnn), but when loading the model exported from dig.xgraph.models get the error above. I'm currently running the experiment in conda...

I have this problem, RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for GnnNets: Missing key(s) in state_dict: "model.gnn_layers.0.lin.weight", "model.gnn_layers.1.lin.weight", "model.gnn_layers.2.lin.weight". in this code def update_state_dict(self, state_dict): original_state_dict = self.state_dict() print('dict',state_dict.items()) loaded_state_dict =...


Dear developers and contributors of DIG, I have a simple multi-label classification task based on GNN. In the last layer of the model, I select the value of the component...

https://github.com/divelab/DIG/tree/main/dig/xgraph/datasets https://mailustceducn-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/yhy12138_mail_ustc_edu_cn/ETK3CTHgFQVFhzIFB5piofQBv2Av-TsX_rnweymigve_hg?e=SyQjEX The above download link is expired, is ther any chance to update the link?

It seems that the `__call__` method of `SubgraphX` returns wrong type that made me thought `List` is the expected type. In [`__call__`](https://github.com/divelab/DIG/blob/dig-stable/dig/xgraph/method/subgraphx.py#L861), the `explanation_results` appends items from `explain` ([line 855](https://github.com/divelab/DIG/blob/dig-stable/dig/xgraph/method/subgraphx.py#L855))...

hello, thanks for this amazing benchmark work. However, when I reproduced Pgexplainer's results using the data you provided, the trained model you provided, and the pgexplainer model you provided, I...

the methods in xgraph can only explain model in dig.xgraph.models,i try to use it to explain my model which is built by PYG, get the error: `KeyError: 'explain_message'` this is...


Hello, when I try to run [examples/xgraph/pgexplainer.ipynb](https://github.com/divelab/DIG/tree/dig-stable/examples/xgraph/pgexplainer.ipynb), there is an error: > splitted_dataset.slices['mask'] = splitted_dataset.slices['train_mask'] TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable I am using torch-geometric 2.1.0. Could any one please...
